
Our Mission:

Oregon Coalition for Educating ANglers (OCEAN) was incorporated in 2004 to educate marine anglers, support conservation of and research on sustainable marine fisheries, and to sponsor and promote activities to assist in marine fisheries management.  In addition to these activities, we promote safety on the water through education.  We are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.

Our on-going projects:  

  • Ongoing support for our endowed scholarship at OSU.  This scholarship is awarded annually to a junior or senior who is pursuing a degree in fisheries conservation with an emphasis on sportfishing.
  • Waterproof rockfish identification cards are distributed to anglers as a ready-reference to easily determine which rockfish may be retained and which must be released.
  • Salmon identification cards help anglers to make a quick  differentiation about protected salmon species. Fish de-hooker devices are provided to anglers free-of-charge for release to the water quickly and safely.
  • Baro-trauma descender devices are provided free-of-charge to enable anglers to release deep-water species to a depth that will allow a greater chance for survival.
  • OCEAN helps to educate anglers at our annual Saltwater Sportsmen’s Show by demonstrating techniques and devices that will help to conserve endangered and protected species.
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